
Global Human Resource

Factory Lab is a consulting firm specializing in the use of
global human resources in the manufacturing industry.

  • Specified Skilled Worker Support
  • Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services Staffing
  • Media Business

This staffing agency specializes in foreign talent and aims to broaden opportunities for individuals and businesses, contributing to a better society. By collaborating with local subsidiaries in Southeast Asia, we conduct in-house training and recruitment without relying on brokers or intermediary agencies, enabling us to provide highly skilled workers and a cost-effective recruitment service to our clients.


Contact to Factory Lab


Business Hours 9:00–18:00 (weekdays)
E-Mail Contact Form

Affiliate Company

It is a consulting company for the utilization of global human resources, which was established in the process of solving the shortage of human resources at SATAKE Precision Technology Co., Ltd. Factory Lab’s mission is not only to make our own overseas talent succeed, but also to make the entire manufacturing industry succeed and empower the industry as a whole by providing consulting services that specialize in the utilization of global human resources by manufacturers, for manufacturers. If you are facing challenges in recruiting global human resources, retaining them, and making them more effective, please contact us.



Business Hours: 8:30–17:30 (weekdays)

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